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< ESG Talks.

SFDR: New year, new regime?

February 21, 2023


What changes have the new SFDR regulations brought?

The run-up to the new year was pivotal for ESG, as market participants prepared for SFDR Level 2 and engaged in broad public conversations about the deeper definitions of SFDR Articles 9, 8, and 6 categories.

Candriam Academy organized an ESG Talk in the format of a roundtable including an EFAMA expert, Anyve Arakelijan, Vincent Triesschijn from ABN Amro, Guy Janssens from BNP Paribas Fortis and Candriam’s Marie Niemczyk. It offered a first look at how the new regulations which just came into effect on 1 January 2023 are impacting the strategies, approaches, processes, and operations of market participants. And, of course, what might be next…

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