Gain knowledge in sustainable
and responsible investing

Free accredited training on ESG and sustainable investing. Start your online sustainable investing course today and get the knowledge to invest for a better tomorrow.
Training the next
generation of
Responsible Investors
Whether you are a financial advisor, financial professional, student or just passionate about the topic area, our courses are designed to help you increase your understanding of sustainable investing and environmental, social, and governance factors in the investing industry.
Our courses
Introduction to Sustainable Investing
Learn about the main approaches to sustainable investing, performance, shareholder activism and fiduciary responsibility.
The Circular Economy
This course will give you insight into the engine of the economy that sustainable investors want to build.
Climate Change
Learn how the global economy will need to change in order to stall the catastrophic rise in global temperatures.
ESG Corporate Analysis
Get familiar with the crucial questions that need to be answered to form an objective ESG profile of a company.
Sovereign Sustainability Analysis
This course is about the importance and the right way of approaching a sustainability profile of a country.
ESG Talks
Take your learning a step further with our ESG Talks educational webinar series. Join industry experts and our community of learners to take stock of some of the most pressing economic, social and environnemental issues of our time.